Thursday, March 31, 2011

Episode 51 the new year and me

Well I see it has been a while since i posted all about the great and wonderful me. What have I been up to u say? Well trouble with a capital T I have been known to be whinny, back talking, curious and cantankerous. Yes it is true i can be a pickle but some of you all knew that already it is the year 2011 and soon I will be 4 mom keeps saying it has to get better the older I get but boy does she have another thing coming she wants to move me in with my brothers but i don't want to go cause she will be to far. She says its only one room away i am not that far but hey a boy seems to think other wise. What else has been going on in my life well there has been lots but one of the biggest things is my brother Keaton got this thing called a white slip and he can drive i don't really know if he is any good or not cause i shut my eyes tight and that made me fall asleep my other brother says it was a good thing i slept........Oh well for now that is all i have for my loving fans till next time and I will try to make it shorter time frame of writing again.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Episode 50 Trick or Treat we will!

I am 3 yrs old now and I am getting big i have made many accomplishments this year. I am now going on the potty and have been since 2 weeks prior to my birthday. I have also discovered that my favorite movie is Cars and I love Mater you know Mater like Ta Mater without the Ta... I also was extremely excited this year to go trick or treating and getting to dress up I was Yoda this year and We fought the dark side we did we also got lots of treats we did I had a great time I did.... I also made one very cute Yoda if i don't say so myself.... but Yoda would say I was cute i was.... just to prove it i am going to post some pictures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Trip to Zoo!!! Yipee!!!

So my mom says that I am going on my first trip ever to the zoo. I am really excited but I know cause she said that it is going to be hot and busy whatever that means. I also found out that it was a really long car ride good thing I can sleep in the car. St Louis Zoo wow this place was a great toddler such as my self's paradise it was in one word awesome. I saw the sea lions get fed they were kind of lazy so not much fun there and I saw bears and a really big turtle that was cool. The best part for me was the penguins I liked those funny little birds and guess what they don't fly that is kind of cool but they sing and dance there was one and he stared at me really close i wish I could have touched him that would have been cool to say I petted a penguin. Then right before we left I got to ride the blue train the tunnels were scary but it was fun. Oh and for every one's information I don't like monkeys they are gross and loud and scary. The only other thing worth mentioning is that Mellman was not a doctor and Gloria is really fat Marty was lazy and Alex does not dance well that about raps it up but i will leave you some pictures just so you can look at me.
this is me and my daddy.
and this is the penguin that was close enough to touch.

And this is me getting a ride cause short legs tire really quick

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Argh! Matie Episode 48

Argh Matie I have been pretending this week some I have been a race car driver everywhere and a pirate sailing the seas. The biggest news is that I have started in home preschool once a week and I am learning my first school visit was today and I had a blast I did not want her to leave. I learned how to draw roads and cut paper with special scissors to keep me safe I also read two books with Mrs. Angie and talked a lot. I am one smart boy if I do say so myself.
Me as a pirate and Me and Mrs. Angie

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Episode 47 The Great Toddler adventures

The funny things I do. Yesterday I was sitting in the car waiting on my nan to come out of the Dr's office and to me she was taking to long so I started kicking my moms seat and said " This is getting annoying over and over." This had my mom laughing like crazy. I have done some things and said some stuff lately that has everyone cracking up I am one funny guy! 2 weeks ago I at my nans house i need a change but i did not want to get changed so my nan says if we don't change you the flys will get you cause you stink and flys eat poop. Okay this like to freaked me out I don't do bugs of any kind. about an hour later I did it again and need changed but again i did not want to so she said it again but this time I turned it around on her I said " here flys come and get it." Man can I make them laugh adults easily amused. Oh and on a further note I have grown since the last snow so I thought you all might want to look at how cute I have gotten so I will post a picture just so you don't forget how cute I really am.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow, Snow and more Snow

It was the most amazing thing the white stuff that came down from the sky the ramblings of my brothers the stuff they said I thought was funny but had no idea what they were saying i mean what is a cannibal and how is eating a snow flake being a cannibal i have no idea but it was funny at least my mom laughed she explains it like this my brother Wyatt was eating snowflakes from the sky and my brother Keaton says your a cannibal he looked at him like what are you talking about and he said your eating who's.... he says who's and he says you know like in the Grinch i thought this was funny cause i like the Grinch...ha ha who's live on a snow flake in the Grinch so Wyatt looks at my brother with understanding and says yup and they taste like chicken i don't know why this is funny but mom was laughing so I laughed. So we are outside and these supposed who's are falling from the sky and its pretty so the next day i look out side and its white snow its called and its cold but fun so i decide to bundle up and check it out....

It melted to quick for my taste but I hope it comes again soon I want to try this sled thing...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Episode 45 the great toddler rescue!

some would say that I can be mischievous I like to think not but today I had to get a little to curious for my own good.... so the story goes a little like this. Mom put me in the van and I threw a fit I had left my toy in nanny's garage so she said stay still I will get it, she went to get but not before laying her keys down on the seat up front so i decided I was going to try to drive. Luckily she got back before I got them all the way in the ignition but not before I played with some of those fancy buttons. Mom comes back and grabs me from the front seat and buckles me in ...he he he.... as soon as she shuts the door to the back.....yep you guessed the locks on the van engage and I little Ben the great toddler is locked in car seat in a locked van with mom no way to get in... the hanger won't open the door i am getting a little scared mom calls grandad he just left can't be far away he comes he can't get it open either what is she gonna do now i am freaking out here..... Du Du ta Du.... policeman to the rescue.... the chief of police Kendal came and got me out that dude is cool all better now safe and sound in my warm house and bed man am i bushed its time for a nap...